This piece belongs to a period of mourning in my work. Mourning for all that clay, as earth, represents in a time where humans seem to loose contact from it …
2003, smoked clay, 300 x 33 cm x variable width.
First prize at the ¨European Ceramic Contest¨, Bornhölm, Denmark, 2006.
Clay is so dense in a world of virtuality, its’ processing so slow in the midst of speed. And what shape can I give my pieces that would be meaningful when everything around us is shaken off its roots? Undoing what has just sprang out of my hands. Stripping. Putting to pieces. That only can I really connect to in my huge urge to give birth to my reality. Paradoxally, while mourning and dismanteling, the clay under my fingers feels intensly alive. The cylinder moves forward while loosing its matter. The innumerable little pieces it leaves behind are free again to give life to new forms, new realities.